Assessment Process

Expectations and Timelines

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Expectations and Timelines

Annual Progress Report Expectations

Each undergraduate academic baccalaureate program will complete an APR for each academic year.

  • Free-standing (stand-alone) minors and certificates are also expected to complete an APR.
  • A minor or certificate that corresponds to a major may be embedded within that baccalaureate program's assessment report. 

Each undergraduate program should assess a minimum of 3 SLOs and 3 courses each year.  Free-standing minors and certificates should assess a minimum of 1 SLO and 1 course each year.  

  • Each student learning outcome should be assessed by at least one direct assessment measure (e.g. case study, assignment, exam, presentation, etc.).  The use of an indirect assessment measure (e.g. survey, ungraded reflection, etc.) can be used to supplement a direct assessment measure.  Also refer to the FAQ page for additional details.
  • A program should plan to assess all of their program SLOs within a 3-4 year cycle.

All information provided in the APRs will remain confidential, and will not be used negatively against any program.

All APRs will be reviewed independently regarding assessment activities at the undergraduate level.  The reports will be shared, in particular, with the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) as part of the University’s next reaffirmation of accreditation review in 2025. 

The Director of Undergraduate Assessment facilitates and guides the assessment process on campus for all undergraduate programs.

Assessment of Student Learning Process

Purpose of Assessment of Student Learning

  • Provide the opportunity for each individual program to constructively use their own assessment data to inform curricular improvement.
  • Recommend incorporating assessment results/findings in the University Academic Program Review process.
  • Create a sustainable assessment model to increase program faculty participation and engagement.
  • Map courses to identified SLOs (how courses comprise the academic program)
  • Meet assessment criteria for University accreditation through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Undergraduate Assessment of Student Learning Process (preview of chart)

View PDF of Undergraduate Assessment of Student Learning Process

Annual Progress Report Format

The Annual Progress Report on assessment of student learning should include the following:

  1. What student learning outcomes will be assessed (minimum of 3)
  2. What course each student learning outcome will be assessed in, and how it will be assessed
  3. Document and analyze the results
  4. A description of how the results were shared and discussed with all program faculty and staff
    • Consider how to include students in these conversations as well. 
    • What would/do your students say about their learning and achievement of program learning outcomes?
  5. Provide a summary of what was learned, and include any action items for the following year (if applicable)

Suggested Assessment Timeline

By mid September (for previous academic year's assessment report)...

the program has shared and discussed the results with all program faculty and staff; developed any action plans for the following academic year, and submitted their completed report to their dean's office and/or the Office of Undergraduate Education by the October 1st deadline.

By late November (for current academic year's future assessment report)...

program faculty have met to discuss their SLOs and identified which outcomes will be reported on in the APR (minimum of three).  Core/required courses that assess each SLO also should be identified (for both fall and spring terms), as well as the measure (exam, assignment, oral presentation, paper, etc.), to be used in the APR.  Multiple measures are highly encouraged, both direct and indirect, as well as qualitative or quantitative for each SLO.   

By end of fall term...

program faculty from designated courses that have completed the assessments should report their results to their designated assessment point-person.  Also during this time, program faculty should discuss to determine “proficiency” levels for their students (below proficient, proficient, above proficient).  

By mid-March...

spring courses are administering and collecting data on their assessment measures.  Faculty have begun to discuss and reflect upon results from the fall data.

By end of spring term...

program faculty from designated courses that have completed the assessments should report their results to their designated assessment point-person.   

Over the summer or beginning of following fall...

Program faculty have discussed their findings from the collected assessment data, and identified ways, if any, on how to enhance the student learning experience for the following academic year.  Assessment report should be completed and submitted for the previous academic year, as well as planning for the current academic year.  

By end of fall semester...

feedback will be provided back to colleges, which may include: strengths and/or challenges, ways to strengthen your assessment plans, examples of best practice, etc.